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1507 Drexel Street North
Wilson, NC, 27893
United States

(888) 552-AQWA


AQWA combines top-quality products, extensive knowledge, and industry experience to provide superior wastewater management solutions to clients big and small. From large multi-system commercial projects to single family homes and even public works, we can make it happen, and we've got the track record to prove it.


Private Lift Stations - What is the best way to connect to sewer?

Michael Clayton

Have you been told you need a private lift station in order to connect to sewer?

There are a few different ways you could go about it. There are some dirt cheap options that have no emergency storage capacity and are a back up in the house waiting to happen.

I recently spoke to an engineer who owned a rental house in Myrtle Beach. Just a normal rental, not a vacation rental. That house had a private lift station serving it that pumped up to the nearby sewer line. I was telling him about our AQWASTEP package and he thought it was pretty cool. I told him roughly what it cost and he said “that’s more than I paid for what I have.” I asked a few follow up questions and started telling him about some of the benefits of our AQWASTEP.

10 year pump warranty, with pumps that last 15 to 20 years. He had replaced his grinder pump 3 times in a 15 years period.

24 hours or more of emergency storage volume - his system had backed up into his house all 3 times that the pump failed.

AQWASTEP uses pumps that are lightweight, easy-to-remove and inexpensive compared to grinders. Grinder pumps can easily weight more than 50+ lbs and generally cost significantly more than high head turbine pumps like we use.

So at the end of our conversation it was pretty clear to him that saving a few dollars up front had actually cost him many thousands of dollars, 3 big messes, and unhappy renters.

AQWASTEP is an easy way to connect to sewer in 90%+ of situations…high head pumps handle most elevation curves. 5 gallons per minute at 225 feet of TDH (total dynamic head.) If your situation is unique we can help you pick the right pump for your application, but the vast majority of projects don’t need more than 225 feet of elevation head.

AQWASTEP arrives pre-assembled, pre-wired, ready to be installed in the ground. The only thing left for you to do is mount the control panel and have your electrician supply power to it. We provide 50 feet of flex conduit with wiring pre-run in our standard package to make things even more simple.

Check out this short video that might help highlight a few of your decision points. STEP vs Grinders

Reach out to us at 252-245-7693 or for more information.